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Your Soul’s Plan: Learning To Listen consciousness insight life after life rob schwartz soul plans spiritual growth Sep 06, 2021

     May 7, 2003.  I remember that day well, because it was the day on which my life changed, the day that launched me on the path to writing the book Your...

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Your Soul’s Plan: The Deeper Spiritual Meaning of Suicide health life after life rob schwartz suicide Dec 14, 2020

When difficult or traumatic experiences occur in our lives, we naturally wonder, “Why did this happen? What does it mean?” Often, such experiences may appear not to have any particular meaning; they may...

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The Deeper Spiritual Purpose of Pets life after life life plan pets afterlife reincarnation rob schwartz Dec 07, 2020

The process of placing our energy within a body, and in so doing forgetting that we are vast, majestic, Divine Beings made literally from the energy of Unconditional Love, is akin to being struck on the...

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Your Soul’s Plan with Guest Expert Robert Schwartz rob schwartz soul plans suicide Feb 17, 2019

By Robert Schwartz 


(Featured photo by Miti)


(1) I would like to know if suicide or murder as well as other heinous crimes, can be a part of a soul contract? I have been told suicide is never entered into a soul contract and is a part of free will. Can you please give me...

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