Institute For Learning
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Private Consult
Dr. Moody is available on a limited basis for private consultations. If you have questions about grief, loss, or near death experiences, reach out today!

OnlineĀ Classes
An educational platform curated by Dr. Raymond Moody and Lisa Smartt, MA, researchers in the field of consciousness studies.Ā

Articles & Excerpts
Explore and delve deeper into the conversations around these phenomena through book excerpts, our blog, podcasts, and more.

Explore the works of Lisa Smartt, MA, Paul Perry, and Raymond Moody, M.D., Ph.D., the world’s leading authority on the near death experience.

DVDs & Videos
Discover documentaries about NDEs and life after death. Dr. Raymond Moody offers insightful looks into these and other spiritual encounters.

Digital Courses & Classes
The following content is curated by Dr. Raymond Moody and Lisa Smartt, MA, researchers in the field of consciousness studies. Other pioneering investigators will join us, offering insights into afterlife experiences and those associated with the transpersonal dimensions of grief and dying. The intention of the site is to foster greater compassion and insight and offer tools that will allow all of us to bring a little heaven to earth.
The NDE Consciousness Forum
Raymond Moody interviewed eight leading-edge thinkers at the frontiers of science & spirituality... and they convinced him. Discover the evidence for the survival of consciousness.
Discover The EvidenceOn Suicide
There are few losses as powerful and painful as losing a loved one to suicide.Dr. Moody shares what he has learned from those that have attempted suicide and had NDEs.
Hear Insights that Heal
Afterlife Voices
In this series of interviews, Tricia Barker speaks with people whose NDEs brought them insight, new abilities, and a transformation of belief. The summit also includes conversations with researchers as to what the science tells us about the NDE.
Be InspiredBrief Guide To Grief
We cannot escape grief, but we can transform our pain and bring ourselves new awareness.
Here Dr. Moody shares what he has learned in 50 years of researching, interviewing, and writing on what lies beyond this life and what happens to those left behind.
Find Comfort in Wisdom
Articles & Excerpts
The following content is curated by Dr. Raymond Moody, Lisa Smartt, MA, and Paul Perry, researchers in the field of consciousness studies. Explore and delve deeper into the conversations around these phenomena through book excerpts, our blog, podcasts, and more.

An Excerpt from God is Bigger Than the Bible
By Dr. Raymond Moody
In this brief and moving work Raymond Moody MD, PhD looks at God and how his personal understanding of the Creator has changed over the course of his life and research into near death experiences.
Dr. Moody organizes his insights about God into 12 simple but profound ideas and walks us through them using stories and examples from his own life and from accounts of encounters with God in the hereafter.

An Excerpt from Words at the Threshold
By Lisa Smartt, MA
Writer and linguist Lisa Smartt noticed that her father's use of language changed as he approached death.
Intrigued, Smartt began to investigate what other people have said while nearing death, collecting more than one hundred case studies through interviews and transcripts.

Dr. Raymond Moody Interview on Coast to Coast
Dr. Moody discusses his latest insights about spirituality and explores how his understanding of God has evolved over the years.
"In a way, life is a continual spiritual experience. Knowing God isn't just a matter of one day... It's something that unfolds throughout your whole life," he commented.
Moody said he seeks a personal relationship with God outside of formal religion. "The most powerful kind of prayer," he added, "is surrender."

The Atlantic
What People Actually Say Before They Die
By Michael Erard
(Featuring Lisa Smartt)
Insights into the little-studied realm of last words.
Mort Felix liked to say that his name, when read as two Latin words, meant “happy death.” When he was sick with the flu, he used to jokingly remind his wife, Susan, that he wanted Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy” played at his deathbed.
But when his life’s end arrived at the age of 77, he lay in his study in his Berkeley, California, home, his body besieged by cancer and his consciousness cradled in morphine, uninterested in music and refusing food as he dwindled away over three weeks in 2012. “Enough,” he told Susan. “Thank you, and I love you, and enough.”

Jeffery Olsen and Dr. Jeff O’Driscoll
Near death, shared death, and profound experiences.
Jeffery Olsen suffered a tragic car accident that claimed the life of his wife Tamara and their young son. In this excerpt from his book KNOWING, Jeffery Olsen describes what happened after the accident and the conversation that took place between him and his wife as they stood at the threshold of life and death.
This excerpt comes from one of the doctors who treated Jeffery Olsen, Dr. Jeff O’Driscoll. His book Not Yet: Near-Life Experiences & Lessons Learned is a stunning, tender reflection on medicine and spirituality.
Here the doctor shares his encounter with Tamara, Jeffery Olsen’s wife, who had died just a short time earlier in the fatal car accident.

Do Our Pets Have an Afterlife?
by Dr. Kenneth Ring
We all know what happens when we die – we don’t.
At least that’s what most of us believe, whether by religious faith or because we’ve been convinced by the collective testimony of near death experiencers or perhaps for other reasons.
But whatever the basis of our beliefs, we hold that life isn’t a dead end. Upon death, we just continue to exist in another form.
But what about our pets?

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