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The Joyful Friar Interviews Dr. Moody

dr. raymond moody life after death Mar 28, 2023
The Joyful Friar, Life After Life, Dr. Raymond Moody, Spirituality

We're always happy to share with you new interviews with Dr. Moody so you can experience some of his warmth, humor, and insights into life, death, and near death experiences. 

Dr. Moody was interviewed earlier this year by Father Nathan Castle, O.P. You can watch the interview below or listen HERE. We hope you enjoy!


From Father Castle:

The Joyful Friar Podcast explores the soulful, the meaningful, and the mystical in three different ways. First, Afterlife, Interrupted stories, in which someone who died suddenly and traumatically seeks my help and the help of my prayer partners. Second, Compassionate Responses, to readers’ and listeners’ questions and concerns that arise from those stories. And third, Spiritual Practices, influenced by the Catholic Christian tradition I’ve been shaped by that reveal how goodness is at work throughout the universe and within each of us. Each episode reveals insights about living in the present with faith and joyful hope. Be inspired to more fully receive, magnify, and share love.


Father Castle is also the author of two books about his experiences helping souls cross over to the other side. Afterlife Interrupted: Helping Stuck Souls Cross Over and Afterlife Interrupted Book Two: Helping Souls Cross Over are available on Amazon.



Father Nathan Castle O.P.

Father Nathan Castle is a Catholic Priest who is a lecturer, a workshop facilitator, a retreat director, and an author. He has served in campus ministries in California and Arizona for 27 years and he has chaired the Executive Board of the Catholic Campus Ministry Association (CCMA). In his books titled Afterlife Interrupted: Helping Stuck Souls Cross Over and Afterlife Interrupted Book Two: Helping Souls Cross Over, Father Nathan describes the remarkable ways he and his prayer partners help “stuck souls,” who are people who died suddenly and traumatically, to complete their passage to the Other Side of the veil. He also addresses such questions as:•Is death survivable? •What does he do to help people cross over?•Does time exist in the afterlife?•Do deceased relatives help us adjust to moving through our deaths?

“I believe we are eternal. I believe the Creator who made us loves us —wildly. Beyond belief. My mission is to help people live in the present, feel loved, and dwell in joyful hope. As a Catholic priest I specialize in helping those who feel “stuck”— whether in this Earthly life or in the afterlife —experience freedom.” ~Father Castle