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Mas Sajady's Interview with Dr. Raymond Moody

afterlife dr. raymond moody May 09, 2023
Life After Life
Mas Sajady's Interview with Dr. Raymond Moody

(NOTE: Unfortunately the audio quality on Dr. Moody's end is quite poor. Raymond is not particularly tech savvy and these things can happen. We apologize and hope if you choose to listen you will still find the content enjoyable.)

We love to share new interviews with Raymond so you can catch a glimpse of his empathy, insight, humor, and humanity as well as share some of what he's learned over his many decades of studying the near death experience. This interview is by Mas Sajady, a former computer programmer who has had multiple near death experiences that changed his life and his understanding of the world. 

If you'd like to know more about Mas and his experiences, we recommend his podcast below where he delves deeper into what happened and how he has grown spiritually and in his life since his first NDE. You can also listen to this podcast on his website.


 You can also read Mas' account of his NDEs that he wrote for us in a previous blog, Mas Sajady’s Near-Death Experience.



Mas Sajady is an expert in human transformation who after two near-death experiences, came back alive to share wisdom and help people break through the limitations of psychology, willpower and current self-improvement methods to change their lives.

Mas has worked with business leaders, medical and healthcare providers, professional athletes, celebrities, the Royal Families in UAE and Monaco, Fortune 500 Executives that include Capitol Records, Cardinal Health, Starbucks, Facebook, Fox, CCTV, CIA, Forbes, Microsoft, FedEx, Australia Post, China Petroleum and more. Mas also donates his time to assist schools, hospitals, special needs groups, local communities and people from all walks of life.

For more information about Mas Sajady, please visit
YouTube Channel: 

Mas and his team have kindly offered a discount code for any of our readers who would like to try his NDE Meditation. The Promocode for 50% off is NDE50. 

(Note: This was originally a live event so you will see a past date and time listed, but the experience is the same as you will receive an MP3 recording so you can listen to and use the guided meditation as many times as you wish.)