The Library
of Life after Life
Books by Dr. Raymond Moody
Lisa Smartt, MA
and Paul Perry
Books By Dr. Raymond Moody
Raymond Moody, M.D., Ph.D. is the world’s leading authority on the near death experience. For nearly 50 years he has researched, interviewed, written and lectured on the subject of what lies beyond this life and what happens to those left behind.
He is also the bestselling author of eleven books which have sold over 20 million copies.

Life After Life
The Bestselling Original Investigation That Revealed “Near-Death Experiences”
The groundbreaking, bestselling classic. This pioneering work transformed the world, revolutionizing the way we think about death and what lies beyond.
Originally published in 1975, it is the study of one hundred people who experienced “clinical death” and were revived, and who tell, in their own words, what lies beyond death.

God Is Bigger Than The Bible
Insights and ideas about God from a lifetime of philosophy, living, and afterlife studies.
In this brief and moving work Raymond Moody MD, PhD looks at God and how his personal understanding of the Creator has changed over the course of his life and research into near death experiences.
Dr. Moody organizes his insights about God into 12 simple and profound ideas and walks us through them using stories and examples from his own life and from accounts of the hereafter.

The Light Beyond
Explorations Into the Afterlife & Answers For Those With Questions About Death
Following the publication of Dr. Moody’s groundbreaking book Life After Life, the field of near death studies exploded with research that uncovered secrets and opened doors to the frontier between life and death.
In this reissued classic, Dr. Moody explores the research of his peers, shining light on their work that helps unravel mankind’s greatest mystery: What happens when we die?

Glimpses Of Eternity
Sharing a Loved One’s Passage From This Life to the Next
Raymond Moody, Jr., M.D. PhD, explores the provocative subject of “shared death experiences,” the compelling evidence that many people share their loved one’s journey from this life to the next.
This new work continues his research into the afterlife by exploring in detail a wide range of case studies, including his own personal experience during the passing of his mother.
Glimpses of Eternity offers comfort and hope, and sheds new light on the mysterious adventure we take at the end of life.

Coming Back
A Psychiatrist Explores
Past-Life Journeys
Raymond Moody, Jr., M.D. PhD, changed the way we perceive death and dying. In this reissued classic, he does it again, investigating past lives with the new science of regression hypnosis.
His goal: To discover if we can indeed recall “past lives” and what such memories tell us about the possibility that death is not the end.
Uncertain what to make of these past life experiences, Dr. Moody began a comprehensive two-year research project into the subject. Coming Back is the fascinating result of his findings.

My Life in Pursuit of the Afterlife with Paul Perry
Get To Know The Man Who Revolutionized Our Thinking About Death And Dying: A Personal And Vulnerable Autobiography
The bestselling author of Life After Life, Raymond Moody, offers a stunning, myth-busting memoir of everything he has learned in a lifetime studying “the other side” and our connection to it.
The grandfather of the NDE movement, Raymond Moody has, in the words of Dr. Larry Dossey, “radically changed the way modern humans think about the afterlife.”

Visionary Encounters with Departed Loved Ones - Scrying & The Psychomanteum: Ancient Tools For Modern-Day Encounters
Among his many contributions is Dr. Moody’s extensive work with mirror gazing, and particularly the invention of the psychomanteum, a small chamber, modeled on the Oracles of the Dead, where Ancient Greeks traveled to communicate with their departed loved ones.
This book is a collection of powerful encounters using the easy-to-learn techniques developed by Dr. Moody.

Making Sense Of Nonsense
The Logical Bridge Between Science & Spirituality
What do the whimsical writings of Dr. Seuss have in common with near death experiences?
The answer is that nonsense writing and spiritual experiences seem to defy all logic and yet they both can make a powerful personal impact.
In this book Dr. Raymond Moody shares the groundbreaking results of five decades of research into the philosophy of nonsense, revealing dynamic new perspectives on language, logic, and the mystical side of life.
Books By Lisa Smartt, MA
Lisa Smartt, MA is a linguist, educator, and author of the bestselling Words at the Threshold. The book is based on data she collected through The Final Words Project, an ongoing study devoted to gathering and interpreting the mysterious language at end of life.
Lisa is also a book coach and delights in being a midwife to new ideas and authors. Click here to find out more about her book coaching.

Words At The Threshold
What We Say as We’re Nearing Death
What last words tell us about life, death and consciousness.
When her father became terminally ill with cancer, linguist Lisa Smartt began transcribing his conversations and noticed that his personality underwent inexplicable changes.
Smartt’s father, once a skeptical man with a secular worldview, developed a deeply spiritual outlook in his final days ― a change reflected in his language.
Baffled and intrigued, Smartt began to investigate what other people have said while nearing death, collecting more than one hundred case studies through interviews and transcripts.
In this groundbreaking book, Smartt shows how the language of the dying can point the way to a transcendent world beyond our own.

Conte Bardo
A Song Between Lives
Channeling or merely the imagination?
One July morning as Lisa Smartt sat at her kitchen table, she heard these words, “I am Carlos Pena. I have come to tell my story. I am from Cadiz, Spain from the days when Flamenco was a pure art and La Culebra danced to my songs in the cafes of the gypsy tenements.”
Over the course of four days, Lisa could not pull her hand from the page as Carlos dictated his story.
He shared the tale of a gypsy singer caught in a life between lives for murders he committed—and the surprising redemption he finds.
Was the story channeled from spirit, or is it merely the imagination at work? Decide for yourself where the voices come from as you enjoy this lyrical novel about near death experiences and reincarnation.

Poems from Across the Threshold
"Once light always light
I am still as you can feel beside you
Guiding, incendiary joy"
A few weeks after her father’s death, linguist and educator, Lisa Smartt, heard his voice asking her to transcribe poems from beyond the veil for her mother and his beloved, Susan, wife of 54 years. While not certain if the voice she heard was truly that of her father, she suspended disbelief and listened attentively, and wrote down everything he said. The result is this beautiful collection of poems in celebration of life and love.
Lisa explains, “I am undecided if these poems come from my father truly or are merely inspired from the collective unconscious, but either way they hold deep beauty and the possibility for greater healing and connection in times of loss.”
Books By Paul Perry
Paul Perry is the co-author of several New York Times bestsellers, including Evidence of the Afterlife, Closer to the Light, Transformed by the Light, and Saved by the Light which was made into a popular movie by Fox. His books have been published in more than 30 languages around the world.
Paul is an important part of the Smartt Coaching team, offering his experience and talent to emerging authors. Click here to find out more about their book coaching.

Dying to Wake Up.
A Doctor's Voyage into the Afterlife and the Wisdom He Brought Back
With Dr. Rajiv Parti
A rare glimpse into heaven, hell, and previous lives—Dr. Rajiv Parti’s near death experience brought him on a journey through the afterworld, leading to a spiritual awakening that transformed his career, his lifestyle, and his most fundamental beliefs. After his near death experience, Dr. Parti awoke a new man. He gave away his mansion, quit his career, opened a wellness clinic, and completely turned around his relationships with his family.
Dr. Parti provides details of heaven, the afterlife, and angels and offers you the opportunity to attain peace and live a better life here on Earth.

Evidence of the Afterlife
The Science of Near-Death Experiences
With Dr. Jeffrey Long
“There is currently more scientific evidence to the reality of near death experience (NDE) than there is for how to effectively treat certain forms of cancer,” states radiation oncologist Dr. Jeffrey Long. In 1998 Dr. Long and his wife, Jody, began the Near Death Experience Research Foundation with the goal of creating a forum for near death “experiencers” to share their stories.
Grounded in first-hand evidence culled from over 1,600 verified NDE accounts, Evidence of the Afterlife presents the strongest argument yet for the underlying truth of those who have died and returned to share their tales.

Saved by the Light
The True Story of a Man Who Died Twice and the Profound Revelations He Received
With Dannion Brinkley
After two near death experiences Dannion Brinkley shares the profoundly moving account of his extraordinary experiences in the afterlife in this international and New York Times bestseller.
In 1975, Dannion Brinkley was struck and killed by lightning. When he awoke twenty-eight minutes later in a morgue, everything was different.
Brinkley shares his incredible story, revealing the truth about the afterlife and providing guidance from beyond about how we should live today.

Transformed by the Light
With Dr. Melvin Morse
The Powerful Effect of Near-Death Experiences on People's Lives - In "Closer to the Light", Dr Morse explored the near death experiences of child survivors. Now he presents testimony from adults which he believes may serve to alter people's views on death and dying.
The book sets out to prove that those who return from the brink of death are profoundly changed for the better, both spiritually and physically, for the rest of their lives; that they are healthier and have fewer psychosomatic complaints, are happier psychologically, and have stronger family ties, more zest for living, a greatly diminished fear of death, and a significantly increased psychic ability.

At Peace In The Light
With Dannion Brinkley
Dannion Brinkley continues the spiritual exploration of his life and death. Having had two near death experiences Brinkley has been left with an extraordinary sense of perception.
With absolute candor, he describes his struggle to become accustomed to his disorienting physic ability -- he reveals his initial uses, both positive and negative, of his power and his gradual understanding of how to accomplish his mission.
Dannion Brinkley's new message offers inspiration, guidance and the opportunity for spiritual growth and renewal.

Closer to the Light ..........................
With Dr. Melvin Morse
The skeptics have had their say; now listen to the experts. In hundreds of interviews with children who had once been declared clinically dead, Dr. Morse found that children too young to have absorbed our adult views and ideas of death, share first-hand accounts of out-of-body travel, telepathic communication and encounters with dead friends and relatives.
Finally illuminating what it is like to die, here is proof that there is that elusive "something" that survives "bodily death."
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